the Nordic championship in programming
Oct. 9, 10-17
University of Bergen will again host a hub for the combined Nordic championship in programming and Nordic Collegiate Programming Contest (NCPC) on Saturday October 9, 2021. There will be free food for students, balloons, prizes, and a fantastic opportunity to solve algorithmic challenges under immense time pressure. Teams of size 1-3.
The best student team from UiB advance to NWERC in Reykjavík, Iceland, from where it is possible to qualify for the ACM-ICPC World Finals.
Check out the pictures from the 2017 contest, or read the report (in Norwegian) about the 2018 contest. Visit the official site to learn about the rules.
The contest is open for everyone, even if you are not affiliated with the University of Bergen. If you do not have keys to Høyteknologisenteret, please call your host Torstein upon arrival at 926 52 405.
Location: Active room 2-3, Høyteknologisenteret, University of Bergen (map)
Date and time: Saturday October 9, 10:00 - 17:00 CEST.
Registration deadline: October 6, 23:59 CEST
Deadline: October 6, 23:59 CEST
Registration also involves a few steps, so please start the process early. We have a capacity of ~80 participants.
Time | Activity |
10:00 | Doors open. Snacks available. |
10:20 | Log-in information and passwords are distributed. Run-through of the rules. |
10:30 | A word of welcome by our local sponsor Vizrt. |
11:00 | Contest starts. |
14:00 | Food arrives. |
16:00 | Contest ends. |
16:10 | Presentation of solutions. |
16:30 | Prize ceremony. |
17:00 | Done. |
Responsible for this year's NCPC at UiB is Torstein Strømme. Please feel free to contact him at if you have any questions or remarks.